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Our refuelling depot, the kitchen's main role in life is to house the all important kettle.

Help yourself to beverages, tea and suchlike are freely available, and higher sugar and caffeine drinks are usually located in the tuck cupboard.

Current equipment list

  • Kettle!
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • 'Breakfast maker'; an oven designed to cater for ants.


Freely usable. If leaving articles for any length of time, please label them with your name and the date left.

The Tuck Cupboard

A warehouse of inappropriate starches, you too can partake of various packaged foodstuffs for a small fee!

If you lack funds on your person, you can use one of the wooden tokens as an IOU; simply write your name and dues on the token and add it to the tin.

Cleaning materials

Located in the cupboard labelled 'cleaning materials', we have a comprehensive array of things to spray and squirt at other things. Deploy as needed!

Under sink cleaners

Cleaning solvents live here, in case you need to clean the laser bed or degrease something to industrial standards.


Perishables left in the kitchen for overlong periods of time are liable to be disposed of without warning, especially if they are unlabelled, judged to be past their sell by date, or appear abandoned.

(Note that perishable food left near Jimbo is also very liable to be disposed of without warning)

Make sure to wash up after yourself - contrary to apparent expectations, the kitchen does not double as a biolab.