Operating Committee Meeting 12/11/19
From ipswichmakerspace
General Finance health
- Member growth, expenses etc - Can OC do more to help ensure our future ?
FB Poll Analysis - Adam has the analysis
Suggestion / Feedback Box - Anon feedback might be useful
Downstairs areas usage - are we getting the most out of the "Dance Floor" ? - where to setup metal work / separate from wood work ?
Guest WiFi - Feedback?
Next working party
- Attendees: MT, AL, JW, JL, PW
- Would be good to have some sort of graph about how we are doing with money.
- The downstairs space is not that utilised. Could the function room be used for an extension of the workshop space.
- Our recommendation for downstairs
- Function room - folding tables down one side, CNC machine, workshop extension. Equipment should all be moveable.
- Front room - 3D printers, PC workstations. move member storage from upstairs to downstairs. make a desk for computers.
- Workshop - metalworking is staying in the same area, need to plan the benches and machine locations. build a partition wall to separate.
- We need to remind people selling things about the 10%.
- To progress the blacksmithing - JW brother to look over proposal, conduct some tests on noise, research planning restrictions.
- Guest wifi is working well, we should change the password for the members wifi.
- CCTV ongoing.
- JL talk to Steve about the bench.
- DA to chase ben about the laser bed.
- MT and AL to look at laser training and documentation.
- 21st planning meeting for working party.
- 30th November - next working party.
- JW brother to look over blacksmithing proposal.
- AL to make a suggestion box.
- JL claim ownership of facebook page.
- JL to open up membership system.
- AL and JL to advertise laser workshop.
- PW to work on Makerspace app.
- MT to add instagram and calendar to website.
- MT to advertise Christmas party.