Steering Committee Meeting 22/10/19
From ipswichmakerspace
- Match funding
- Facebook questions
Actions from last meeting:
- JL to purchase Ender 3
- JL to send out match funding list. All to review.
- JL to look at consumables,
- SC to produce list of needed woodwork equipment.
- PW to talk to his guide contacts about badge.
- SC to pitch for monitors and peripherals for the code Dojo.
- TE to claim back money for PIs
- TE to follow up with gardening group
Attendees: JL, TE, PW
- Lighting and stairs still need to be looked at. Pods need to be built. This will take match funding money
- Skeleton of lottery annual report has been sent round. due by the end of the year.
- Look into metal working and blacksmithing equipment.
- We should have facebook questions: What are your making interests? Why do you want to join Ipswich Makerspace?
- Rotary have asked to come along on the 29th for a visit and discussion. Phil has suggested a coder dojo sessions for the scouts.
- PW spoke to guide contacts, they are waiting to hear about other guide session from SC.
- PW has produced cards.
- All to attend lottery report session. Provisionally. 7th Novermber.
- JL to Talk Mat about match funding equipment.
- PW to add facebook questions.
- JL to refresh the membership list.
- JL to email people paying 15.