Steering Committee Meeting 24/09/19
From ipswichmakerspace
- Email address policy
- Match funding
- Facebook sales group
- Landlord's request
- Girlguides
- James F - Velleman request
Attendees: JL, SC, PW, TE
- We will allow personal email accounts on a case by case basis decided by the SC.
- We will buy an Ender 3 regardless of donation, to be claimed on match funding.
- SC doesn't think the sales page works but committee has voted to keep it as it is.
- The landlord wants to do some work on the drive to keep some planning permission. We will give permission for this.
- We have had a request to host a group of Girlguides to get through technology badge. We will go ahead with this.
- Could these modifications be applied to the Turnigy or another printer in the graveyard? if not consult with Keith.
- Card reader has been ordered.
- TE has created some letters and a process for disciplinary matters.
- The committee will act together and act quickly with regards to future disciplinary matters.
- TE has procured PIs for the coder dojo. TE to be paid back for this. The coder dojo need more challenging exercises, this is being investigated.
- The Museum dojo sessions were popular and a success which led to new members. It was difficult from a logistics point of view.
- A group in Waldringfield is asking for help labelling trees in a green project. We will offer to help.
- JL to purchase Ender 3
- JL to send out match funding list. All to review.
- JL to look at consumables,
- SC to produce list of needed woodwork equipment.
- PW to talk to his guide contacts about badge.
- SC to pitch for monitors and peripherals for the code Dojo.
- TE to claim back money for PIs
- TE to follow up with gardening group