Operating Committee Meeting 12/05/20
From ipswichmakerspace
Special meeting during lockdown
- Virtual Makerspace open day.
Mal and Phil will show videos on Sunday 15:00 as a test. Keith to produce promo for the next event.
- PPE update
1000-1500 a week is the demand at the moment. Stock for 6000. designing a variant for dentists. looking into wider covers.
- Grants
We should be eligible for a £10k grant. In the process of applying for it. May want to extend peoples membership by the length of the lockdown.
- Re-opening
Wait for government advice. we could have a single person per room with booking. things to consider:
- Stairs
- Count of people
- Kitchen
- Cleaning
- technology solutions
- JL create a wiki page.
- SC and DA to chase grants
2nd Tuesday of June for the next meeting.